organ grinder-2

Sounds of Mexico City: Organilleros (organ grinders)

What does Mexico City sound like? Trying to describe its sound in a few words is like trying to explain it with a single photo. This immense and eclectic city can only be described in bits and pieces and that's why we decided to choose some sounds and present them with the images of photographer Pablo Diego.

March 11, 2024 READ MORE "

Oaxaca es una fiesta

Si Ernest Hemingway decía que París lo era es porque nunca fue a Oaxaca… Tierra de sabores, colores y energía desbordante para celebrar la vida, es también la cuna del mezcal, una de las bebidas favoritas de quienes vivimos en la Ciudad de México.

9 octubre, 2023 LEER MÁS »
Young woman having fun while dancing with her friends on the street at night

Mixology and design: two worlds converging in Mexico

It might seem that there is an abyss between them, but there is not. In Mexico, both mixologists and designers -fashion, textile and product designers- agree on one goal: the redefinition of the cultural identity of a country that lives between modernity and ancestral traditions.

September 4, 2023 READ MORE "
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